Saturday, 26 March 2016


Nearly four years ago, 500 families moved into the newly opened El-wak South IDPS camp as Internally Displaced People (IDPs) from Wajir County, while others are located at Rhamu Sub-County.      

Nomad Green Belt Movement Conducted 3 days of need assessment for El-wak/ Rhamu IDPS in response to their prevailing conditions. The IDPs expressed priority needs are shelter, income, non-food items, food and health. The committees for both camps have played povital roles in the assessment exercise. Our special thanks goes to our volunteers teams, women, youth and elders, IDP committees. This assessment has provided them with a platform to express their views on desired development plans or needs, as priorities for urgent interventions.

It was an interactive discussion between NGBM and representatives of IDP camps on highly prioritised needs and way forward agreed.

The following are a few  summarised needs and prioritized goals.

a) Establishing education Centres: The classes will be fully functioning on evenings from Monday to Friday. Apart from basic writing and reading skills, the community will be taught how to improve their living standards, important topics on  health, Sanitation, protection (child protection and GBV, will be relayed to IDP communities and Committees.While for children below (3-7 years) will go for Pre-primary classes during daytime from Monday to Friday.

b) Restoration of Livelihoods, targeting women and youth empowerment through livelihood activities by forming four(4) groups and provide them with vital Entrepreneurship skills so that can earn income to maintain their families as a coping mechanisms. This will be useful to both El-wak and Rhamu Sub-County and the initiatives include kitchen farm at different homesteads, group farming, kiosks and tree planting as Income generating activities helping them access local markets with produce of fresh quality vegetables supply.

c) Awareness campaign on Girls child- there are many girls who discontinued schooling due to displacement and if allowed or enrolled in schools shall transformtheir lives and of their families in future.NGBM will find and away of helping them on fast tracking.

d) Baitul Maal system- The system of Baitulmaal based on the collective approach and effort of society is a workable concept to secure and help the brethern in the times of poverty, handicaps, accidents, calamities and tragedies. It invokes the concept of unity among the individuals so that a wealth keeping person helps a poor, a powerful man helps a weak person and rich and the poor come closer to each other. Our volunteer members encourage households or residential contribute non-food items, unused clothes, shoes, dry foods and other kinds of charity.

The Quran states:
“The likeness of those who spend for Allah’s sake is as the likeness of a grain of corn, it grows seven ears every single ear has a hundred grains, and Allah multiplies (increases the reward of) for whom He wills, and Allah is sufficient for His creatures’ needs, All-Knower).” (Qur’an, 2:261)

El-wak Town collection point is at Haji Abdiqafar plot as we're organising to have charity focal points in Rhamu, Mandera, Wajir, Garissa, Marsabit and Nairobi County. We will share the collection centre and contacts person. The logistics will be incurred by Nomad Green Belt Movement group.

e) Forum on Trauma healing and social reconstruction should be done at IDPS centre. Activities will include individual and group counselling, and opportunities for sports and recreation, including soccer.

1. We are pleased to announce the opening of 2 new official IDP education Centres both for adult and primary school. The IDPS children will no longer walk long distances.    

2: We shall provide psychosocial assistance to help displaced persons regain dignity in their lives.

3. Initiate Income generating activities to restore the IDPs Livelihoods.

4.A charity mission will be implemented known as Baitul Maal system.

5. We plan to establish Islamic-Duksi system and construction of  a mosque at Elwak and Rhamu IDP centre Insha Allah.

Kindly contribute towards the assistance of our brothers and sisters to alleviate suffering. Donate Food and Non food items. We shall receive both cash and kind at our designated charity centres.

Please cooperate!

Wednesday, 23 March 2016


Nomad Green Belt Movement volunteer team today joined the rest of the world to mark #WorldWaterDay in a unique way.

Water is life, as they say. We all, living creatures depend on water. Water is used in just about everything. Our bodies are also composed of about 60% of water. If water runs out it will affect our environment, community, economic and the human life.

But we must learn to say water is a source of employment too. In choosing the Water and employment theme for this year World Water Day (WWD), the international community has sought to capitalize on benefits related to investments in the water sector, that is to say the role of water in the creation and support of quality jobs.

Our accomplishment on today's event depends on the community continued attention and support. We still request everyone to help us move forward by spreading the word and letting us know of world water day outreaches across Northern regions.

ACTED Kenya Country Coordinator (an International NGO), Ms. Habon Hussein today visited Mandera South Sub-County headquarter and had an opportunity to interact with Nomad Green Belt Movement volunteer team on wide range of issues and finally planted a tree to mark #WorldWaterDay in the presence of Mandera County ACTED representatives Mr.Adan Khalif Liban.

We are thrilled and dedicated to be partnering with indeginous communtities for the future initiatives, however, we  want to plant 15 Million trees to increase forest cover in Northern Kenya. NGBM will not only support the environment, but to effect change in five counties by providing guidance and skills on agroforestry, wildlife and peace with members from communities in the region. It will be an incredible achievement that is going to change thousands of lives in Northern Kenya and it's surroundings.

Looking on are : Executive Director of Nomad Green Belt Movement volunteer team Mr. Abdikalif Adan, Khalif Adankhalif, Amin are ACTED Staffs as Ms. Habon Hussein planted the Tree. 

A friend of #Nomad Green Belt Movement team, Madam Halima Bullo who is a business lady in El-wak town, a committed member of NGBM team. We are proud to share her success stories of as a role model of the day. On one occasion, she planted a tree in front of her shop, courtesy of Nomad Green Belt Movement on free Trees distribution and awareness campaign in 2014. Her work really impressed
our team when we found her tree has grown, extent of providing beautiful shade. A by passer or pedestrians must stop to rest briefly under a cool shade when temperature hits 42 degree celcius. She is a true patriot. Her humanity and kindness has also extended to providing free water to street, stray donkeys using the bucket but due to a lot of water flow on the ground NGBM promised to provide free modern equipment to provide water to donkey and stray goats.

It's an opportunity for her to celebrate, show support and get inspired to take action on a world water day by ensuring availability and sustainable management of better water and better jobs.

NGBM founder Abdikalif Adan mark world water day, with Elwak - Wajir IDPS on awareness of the event theme.

The car wash business shown above reflects the relationship between employment and use of  water as a source of economic development.

The theme of the day resonates  on the construction of roads and building construction sites. Most of the families get income through construction works, as we marked the day's event, the message is clear that such jobs promotes the livelihoods of many families. Therefore, we should safeguard and protect our sources of water.

Commercial water tracking creates employment, generate incoming  and boost accessibility and availability of clean soft water in Mandera South Sub-County headquarter as El-wak Town water is salty. Water boozers supply water from Dabacity and Borehole 11.

In the afternoon session, it was time for sport activities as #Friends of Nomad Green Belt Movement young star played a tournament  on awareness of  protecting Elwak shallow Wells.

Monday, 21 March 2016

Sunday, 20 March 2016


On 22nd March 2016 is World Water Day -a day to recognize the vast importance of fresh water to us all. A day established in1993 by the United Nations General Assembly over 40 years ago and is observed worldwide each year on March 22nd, a day of opportunity for us to focus our attention on a natural resource that all our lives and livelihoods depend on no matter where we live in the world. It is a day in which we can all be inspitred to take action and make a difference.

Theme :Better Water, Better Jobs
Water means jobs but how? Water is the essential building block of life. Water is vital for creating jobs and supporting economic, social and human development. It is to give a call for the public to be sensitive to the wastage of water.

Today, half of the world's workers -1.5 billion people work in water-related sectors. Moreover, nearly all jobs, regardless of the sector, depend directly on water. Yet, despite the indelible link between jobs and water, millions of people whose livelihoods depend on water, often not recognized or protected by basic labour rights.

"In 2011, 768 million people did not use an improved source of drinking-water and 2.5 billion people did not use improved sanitation."-United Nations Water

As we are approaching #WorldWaterDay, help make a difference by checking out an event near you today and let's support #Drop4Drop and make clean water possible for all.

Join us in the celebrating of World Water Day!
Kindly participate it the walk to promote water saving tips. Everyone is welcomed to celebrate WWD2016 in their own way. The purpose of this commemoration and awareness session is to raise awareness on water related issues and support the vulnerable communities.

As we shall be engaging more than 10,000 households from various town in the Northern Kenya region in promoting the value of quality safe water and better jobs.
Coming to you on #WorldWaterDay2016

Thanking you!


On Sunday evening, I embarked on a safari tour of 1200KM on scrutiny and critical view of the NEP progresses, challenges on the first 3 years of Devolution, it's impact on the people and the surroundings. North Eastern Province (NEP ) is a region mostly affected since independence due to neglect of successive regimes. At the advent of devolution when the new constitution materialized, people were optimistic and enthusiastic about the upcoming changes.

On my road trip, I have seen little improvement on road infrastructure. The roads were rough, dusty and usual bumpy. It's hard to resist the potholes and dust. There's nothing like driving to really see everything a NEP has to offer. When I thought about it, I could hardly believe this but I tried so hard to stick to the established plan.

One key area, I have observed is the environmental issues, our development activities intertwined and the changing climatic patterns.
a) Due to lack of consideration for environmental sustainability, most road contractors have contributed immensely to environmental degradation  by insignificantly cutting of trees on the pretext of Bush clearing activities. This has excercibated the harshness of the weather, low rain yields and unpredictable climate conditions.
b)The excavation by quarry workers on hilly sites. According to religious teachings, mountains and Hills are nails strengthening the earth positioning. Contrary to most affected areas of Mandera County have exhausted the hills due quarry activities, bush clearing and depletion of wildlife as a result of this man-made environmental destruction.
c) In Garissa, it's common to find charcoal trade, this means there is excessive cutting of Trees for charcoal production. Mandera and Wajir country is no exception, the practice is causing similar environmental effects.

I would like to thank the NEP County governments, for their ongoing development programs. They did everything within their powers or means to ensure that their projects move forward in areas of high needs. NGBM is working exceptionally hard to inform the public about the danger caused by human fatalities as a result of wanton environmental degradation. We are bound to educate the public on this retrogressive aspects and enforce the law against enemies of our environments.

Thursday, 3 March 2016


Mandera County road contractors must be brought to book!

Environmental degradation along Mandera South Sub-County route (B9), beyond this point it's unacceptable and communities impacted by these are the most vulnerable to natural disasters.


World Wildlife Day. Theme: The future of Wildlife is in OUR HANDS.