Sunday, 22 May 2016


During recent visits to Garissa County on our way from Nairobi it was raining cat and dog until the car we were travelling with was dirtified, we found a very desperate lack of water at cash-wash and witnessed the situation that can't add up totally. It doesn't make sense that there's scarcity of water in town.
While there is Tana River nearest in town as source of water while its bank burst and caused humanitarian crisis. The river is the only permanent one in the entire North Eastern Province that linked to Indian Ocean.

We went to over three (3) gas station (petrol stations) which isn't far from the river of less than a kilometre but as we are about to make our mind to embark on our journey after we are done with our mission and wash at Mwingi Town or Nairobi but with God grace when we finally proceeded to the last petrol station we saw a motorbike doing cleaning.

If only Tana River could have been utilised well, Garissa residents would be the best in the country by practising the following;
a)Irrigation farming
b) Fish farming
c) Livestock farming
d) Attractive investment plans-opening of companies in the county, creating employment and development of infrastructure.

Exploit the Tana River domestically to meet the growing needs of water. Take advantage of favorable circumstances. Northern Kenya is endowed with abundant natural resources, especially the overflowing rivers.


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