Monday, 26 December 2016

Northern Kenya has some of the most beautiful wild animals ever seen. But unfortunately, we're losing wildlife species at an alarming rate. It is unacceptable for the government to turn a blind eye and ignore the concerns.

All creatures big or small deserve a place they can call home  safely in. We should create better environment for wildlife roaming around our planet. We should ponder on ways of making it conducivefor them.

With the expansion of rural-urban settlement, humans so cruelty keep building and taking the wildlife habitats away, soon the animals will have nowhere to go. Wildlife is facing several serious challenges, including increased pressures around and inside the habitats boundaries due to development that threatens to isolate the habitats and block important migratory routes, adapting to nomadic pastorolists movement and enable to avoid humans in their habitats. In the long-run, this could have severe impacts on wildlife population and the ecological wildlife habitats. Any action that could threaten the provision of conducive and safe environment to this precious commodity should be severely restricted, stopped and mitigation to reduce negative impacts on wildlife should be designed and enforced.

Globally, many people are not aware of how we are treating the wildlife. If within short period we wouldn't realise any changes; NGBM team will lobby for local, national and international support for wildlife and environmental conservation.

We need to use our common sense at its finest. Now we just need to break down barriers which are preventing the existing solutions to be exploited and implemented .

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