Tuesday, 26 January 2016


To the tribal Activists who drive pleasure from blocking development please think about future generations for once.

A night ago Abdikalif Adan, one of the founders of Nomad Green Belt movement delivered a statement, that his organisation drops the agitation for the Revival of Malkamari National park. The statements reads....

"We wish to inform everyone that Nomad Green Belt Movement has decided to withdraw from the campaign on #ReviveMalkamariNationalPark.  We strongly feel that it's imperative for the proponents of the initiative to conduct thorough and highly participatory consultation with the residents and other stakeholders. Based on feedback from the social media and our personal interaction with the locals,  we feel that this was not done.  The communities were not thoroughly consulted on the impact of this project.  We reiterate that the consultation is fundamental to realise the success. In the principles of do - no - harm which we uphold as an organisation"

The withdrawal of Nomad Green Belt movement from the campaign to revive Malkamari National park was as a result of tribal Activists who some claim to be future political leaders. They don't think beyond their nose. I too stopped the campaign not because the Malkamari people don't want it but because I was confronted by someone who I thought is an intellect but turn out to be an idiot. An activist who thinks tribally- someone  who doesn't deserve to be part of this century.  I have relatives in Malkamari, many of them and they want Malkamari Forest to be conserved.

I have come to realise that, Many activist in this forums are just alarmists who don't even understand what they want. I dare you to face me in a live debate- a TV show kind - and prove that you are geninue.

These are some of the projects so far blocked by the pseudo Activists.

1. Irrigation canal in Neboi.
2. International Airport at Libahiya
3. Animal Market in Mandera
4. SME market in Elwak

 Tell me now, you are working for the interest of your community. You are not an activist and you are not doing good to your community. Just please for heaven sake stop using people to get to power!

By Abdullahi D

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